The weather in Truckee is clearing up and we are starting to see warmer summer temperatures. Thanks to our continued afternoon showers, trail conditions are remaining firm and tacky. It's the perfect time to get out for a summer ride.
Jhonson Canyon:
Johnson Canyon is a very popular trail with great views of Donner lake. This trail is right off of glacier way and super close to our favorite Tahoe Donner trails. This trail is in perfect condition, and. On the last quarter mile of this trail you will come across a few snow patches. The patches of snow you encounter can be easily walked through to get out to some of the best viewpoints of the ride. Jhonson Canyon is a great trail if you are looking for a mellow and scenic ride.
Tahoe Donner Trail system Update:
The Tahoe Donner Trail system now has access to Mustang Sally, Euer valley, True Grit, Cinnamon Twist, Fools Gold, and various connector trails. Hawk's Peak still has a bit of snow approaching the top. Hastings has a few down trees at the bottom and there are four fallen trees near the junction. Coyote Crossing is unfortunately closed for now and not all of the trails are ready to be rode. Tahoe Donner is definitely worth getting on your bike and finding out which trails suit you best.
Flume Trail:
The Flume Trail in Incline is one of the best mountain biking trails in Incline with a fantastic view of Lake Tahoe. This trail is still a little muddy from the recent rain and melting snow. If you're wondering which obstacles you will face on the trail there is one large creek crossing and some snow at the top of the trail. The Flume Trail is a great ride for all experience levels.
Do you love the local trails as much as we do? Consider Supporting the Building and Maintenance of our Beautiful Trails by donating to the Truckee Trails Foundation
We want to thank the amazing people at the Truckee trails foundation for their continued work in growing and supporting our local trails, and ridding community. Please show them some support, any donation
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