Tahoe Donner has decided to allow class 1 eBikes on Fire roads and Double tract trails. There is a proposal to allow them on single tract but that has not yet been approved. View the current regulations approved on September 17, 2021 here

A pilot program is now happening to help make the final decision about the Tahoe Donner trail system
In an effort to provide adaptive management, Tahoe Donner Adventure center has implemented a program that allows class 1 e-bikes on double tract trails. They hope that by designating trails for specific use and also for directional use it will minimize tension on trail use.
The highlights of the program are:
Designated Hiker only trail(s)
Some designated Equestrian/Hiker only trails: Equestrian specific trails already exist. Designated No biking trails
Some E-bike Access: Class 1 e-bikes allowed temporary access on all double track (fire road) and designated single track trails
Directional only trail(s): Trail designated for one-way only
Maintain much of the trail system as multi-use trails
Specific trails that are now open to e-bikes include:
All double track / fire roads (22 out of 22 total miles available double track)
These Single tract Trails are proposed and NOT approved at this time
Designated single track (approx. 16 out of 38+ total miles available single track)
Trails include:
West + East Mustang Sally
Hawk’s Peak
Mother Lode
True Grit
Cinnamon Twist
Sundance Cutoff
Willie’s Wiggle
Eastern Perimeter
Trail etiquette and courtesy are of utmost importance. This is a test program to see if trail users can get along and to test if people will follow the rules set forth. Please stay on designated trails!
Bike Truckee apologizes for the confusion!
Bike Truckee is here for you to answer all of your mountain bike and eBike questions. Come in today and rent or demo an eBike and see what all the hype is about!